FiveCore Media Students Receive Award for Work on “Goshen’s Urban Forest” Series
April 13, 2015
To taking the next step
April 21, 2015The first time I had the privilege of working for Kyle Hufford as a part of the FiveCore Media team was for the 2014 Festival of Carols. My Digital Media Production professor mentioned to my class that FiveCore hired a few extra individuals during the Festival of Carols filming, due to needing eight camera operators and a sound editor. With much anticipation and nervousness I approached Kyle about the opportunity and am very happy to say that he accepted me onto the team.
During the festival my job was to communicate with Kyle and my coworkers to ready the camera’s each night for a smooth show. I was delighted to be able to individually shoot footage for the 2014 Festival of Carols behind the scenes video. This was a great beginning project for me as it gave me the ability to learn and be creative without the pressure of filming the live performances.
After immensely enjoying my short time with FiveCore I decided to ask Kyle for the opportunity to intern at FiveCore for my Multi-Media Communications major. Once again I was given the amazing opportunity to be a part of the team here at FiveCore for the 2015 Spring semester.
Since that time I have worked in the post-production stage of the Good of Goshen campaign. Though I was not a part of the team during pre-production and filming, everyone made it a point to make me feel involved and included on the project during the final stage. I have learned to work as a team while also being able to edit video by myself. Another skill I have acquired since being a part of this team is color correcting. Before starting I had no experience with Davinci color correcting but I can now say that I have successfully used Davinci to independently correct a video.
I have already learned so much technical information as well as the ability to work as a team, and I can’t wait to see what I will learn next semester as I end my internship and become an official employee of the FiveCore Media team.
Written by Carley Wyse, a Goshen College Junior Multi Media Communication major from Archbold, Ohio.